Welcome to our new website and to our new online shop.
Many thanks for your loyalty with Kobold! The web address you entered is not valid anymore. We will transfer you to our new website/our new online shop.The new address is www.lebenslust.jp. Specific advice to our online shop users: Your registration at the old online shop could not be transferred to the new online shop due to privacy reasons. So, we ask you to register again in the new online shop. We are sorry for the inconvenience. We also cannot exclude that at the beginning there might be some bugs. We apologise in advance. Be assured that we will do our utmost to remove eventual errors/bugs without any delay. We will do our best to serve you to your satisfaction. Please give us your trust also for the future. レーベンスルスト株式会 (before: Kobold Japan 株式会社)Anton Jatsch