About Us

<Threats & Challenges>
So often we see alarming pictures and videos of catastrophes. Destroying lives.
On our planet, we are increasingly confronted with huge threats. Look only at the climate crisis: Global warming, draughts, wildfires, flooding, increasing numbers of weather catastrophes. The basis of our life is changing rapidly. Our life is threatened.
However, we still can do a lot. Everybody of us has some influence – through the way we live our life, how we behave, how we act. We can influence our own life and well-being. We can influence our environment, which means also others’ life and well-being.
<Our Contribution>
We also want to use our influence and contribute to your well-being and to our environment.
named our company レーベンスルスト株式会社. “Lebenslust” is
German and means joy of living. With our products we want to help you to enjoy
your life.
Our products are mainly for helping you to have a clean, hygienic and healthy home and life. With our German background we concentrate on German products which represent the principles of German Engineering ("Meisterstück"). Germany is a country which is well aware of environmental threats & issues and well advanced in environmental technology.
All our products we use ourselves. So, we consult you on the use of the products based on our own experience. Our showroom in Tokyo/Daikanyama we call レーベンスラウム (Lebensraum = room for living). There you can touch and try all our products and make your own judgement.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Daikanyama!
<Our background>
We started in August 2013 under the name of Kobold Japan 株式会社 as a distributor of Kobold cleaners made by the German company Vorwerk. Kobold cleaners are sold in Japan since roughly 40 years. Since then, they have gained a high reputation among hygiene and health-conscious people (many suffering from allergies) for their strong suction power and their tight filter system (clean air). Since 2016 we are also distributor for ritter kitchen appliances made in Germany.
In November 2023 we have renamed our company to レーベンスルスト株式会社. We will step by step expand our product range in the fields of hygiene and health for customers’ homes. We will soon introduce a new, strong air cleaner made in Germany to Japan.

Kobold cleaning systems

ritter kitchen appliances